Inherit The Stars


【Bitcoin】zeushashの新契約VGHSは元本保証らしい。ってかHalley GHSが割引中

 zeushashが新契約のVGHSというのをリリースしたようです。メンテナンス・フィーはなく、元本保証というか、30〜180日の契約期間終了後に元本が戻ってくる?ものらしいです。現在、契約できるBatch I VGHSの場合、契約期間は30日のようです。



  1. VGHS will be released in batches with various CONTRACT PERIODS from 30 to 180 days. The period for Batch I VGHS is 30 days.
  2. ZERO MAINTENANCE FEE!! During the contract period, you will enjoy the pure mining income of the VGHS you buy without any extra fees!!
  3. FULL PAYMENT TO BE RETURNED!! When the contract period expires, ZeusHash will return to you all the BTC you pay for VGHS!! (LTC paid will be converted into BTC against the rate when you place your order)
  4. ROI GURANTEED!! Payment returned + mining income = >100% ROI!!

This is INSANITY!! And this is something we’ve never spared our efforts to achieve for all of you guys!!

Each one of you deserve a >100% ROI for your long-term support in ZeusHash and the Bitcoin cloud mining industry as a whole!!

We know you’ve been heated up already and can’t wait to find out how much you need to pay for it – also the amount you will get back for your purchase!

Price for Batch I VGHS:

$2.999 per VGHS





 ところで、Halley GHSも30日まで割引中です。

And, we also launch a promotion for the current Halley GHS which lasts from Jun. 25th to Jun. 30th (UTC+8):

>=1GHS $0.339/GHS $0.369/GHS

>=20GHS $0.319/GHS $0.349/GHS

>=1THS $0.279/GHS $0.309/GHS

  それでもBreak Evenは長いですが…ちょこっよ買い足しておきました。